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You are watching the pages in the category Attractions-things to do.
   #   Page Likes PTAT ER LikeRank
1 Aquapark Cerceda
Attractions/things to do
10,928 781 7.15% 94
2 Madrid Xanadú
Attractions/things to do
44,158 2,299 5.21% 94
3 Australia Zoo
Attractions/things to do
197,351 65,244 33.06% 93
4 Cafe O'Play
Attractions/things to do
1,058 253 23.91% 92
5 The BIG Sheep Family Attraction
Attractions/things to do
12,356 1,730 14.0% 92
6 Dolphin Explorer
Attractions/things to do
7,816 1,034 13.23% 92
7 Dubailand دبي لاند
Attractions/things to do
25,684 1,419 5.52% 92
8 Official LEGOLAND Windsor
Attractions/things to do
99,011 6,506 6.57% 92
9 Killary Sheep Farm
Attractions/things to do
1,025 111 10.83% 90
10 Visit Bend Oregon
Attractions/things to do
109,010 12,178 11.17% 90
11 Den Lille Dyrehage
Attractions/things to do
6,360 524 8.24% 90
12 Be Vancouver
Attractions/things to do
6,564 1,036 15.78% 90
13 Pensacon
Attractions/things to do
3,668 950 25.9% 90
14 Tralee Bay Wetlands
Attractions/things to do
2,730 167 6.12% 89
15 The Trentham Estate
Attractions/things to do
19,458 1,912 9.83% 89
16 שיר בנוביץ - עיצובים בנייר
Attractions/things to do
724 164 22.65% 89
17 State Fair Meadowlands
Attractions/things to do
14,315 2,441 17.05% 89
18 Killruddery House and Gardens
Attractions/things to do
4,152 998 24.04% 89
19 Kingston Park Raceway
Attractions/things to do
21,455 5,552 25.88% 89
20 Folly Farm Adventure Park and Zoo
Attractions/things to do
14,040 855 6.09% 89

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